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BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: Population is the focal point of any planning exercise, and significant development planning is impossible without a population census (Edeialor, 2021). Population census in the work of the United Nations Organization (U.N.O.) is the total process of collecting, compiling, evaluating, analysing, publishing, and disseminating demographic, economic, and social data pertaining at a specific time to all people in a country or well-defined portions of a country. Typically performed every two years (Fabian, 2021). This notion suggests that the population census is a purely statistical endeavour.Population of a country or other place refers to the total number of inhabitants. Migration causes a shift in the population (Edeialor, 2021).

The term "Natural Increase" distinguishes births from deaths. If the welfare of Nigerians, particularly in rural areas, is to be improved, population growth must occur at a fairly rapid rate unless there is a net loss due to migration and efforts at self-reliant growth (Fabian, 2021). Nonetheless, the population and its makeup according to age, six, and residency, among other factors, remain mostly unknown. This is one of the most fundamental aspects of planning for development. Available estimates of the country's overall population in each state and local government districts are merely educated guesses (Olubodun, etal. 2021). According to the 1991 census, Nigeria's population is approximately 120 million. This increased considerably over the past year for numerous reasons. The majority are social, political, and economic in nature. In order to bring government closer to the people, states and local governments were established and reestablished. In addition, they lack economic and social utilities like as roads and piped water. Poor and economically depressed, rural settlements are referred to as economically undeveloped (Edeialor, 2021). Therefore, proper planning is essential for the development of rural areas. Planning is defined as "the effort to direct and manage the process of change." (Brass 1990:430 primarily relies on census information. Currently, lack of appropriate quantity and quality of population census data is regarded as one of the most significant obstacles to the successful planning and administration of development plans in Nigeria and other rural regions. (Fabian, 2021).


Successive Nigeria government during both colonial and post colonial periods understood the importance of accurate population census as the basic tool for good development planning in a country. An accurate and adequate knowledge of the population characteristics and trends   of a country are therefore, a sine qua non for meaningful development in the country. This is so, because development which involves optimum utilization of the nation’s human and natural resources to improve the conditions of living cannot take place without planning.

Lack of population census data in sufficient quality and quality has been generally accepted as one of major factor militating against efficient planning and administration of development plan in Nigeria and also in rural areas.

The importance of population census in rural development derives from the fact that a population census provides he main ingredient for planning. The basic population data required in planning processes should be plan by the government which include employment situation and sex. In every planning exercise, is a population and there is no meaningful development without planning, Government is responsible for the planning of rural economic development and this is because efficient and effective planning will help the government to aim towards improving the standard of living of the rural dwellers. Another central problem, is data on socio economic variable. (a) Employment situation: this is one of the major problem of population in rural areas.


As a researcher, I hope to study why people are having this problem of population in rural area. And if there will be possible way by which these condition can be drastically be reduced. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is fund out the relevance of population census to rural development and I can now narrow down the question to general and specific issues on what can be accomplished by the study. The purpose of my study is based on this: -

  1. Employment Situation: There should be industries, workshop should be organized and it effect by helping people to adjust to the rapid economic growth in the rural areas.

  2. Accurate and reliable census data, which is the major reason for population census.


  Practically, the result of this study will be useful to researcher. The study may arouse criticism and stimulate further researcher on the topic and also contribute to further knowledge and understanding of administrating considering the socio-economic and population data.

Lack of population data in quantity and quality has been generally accepted as one of the factor militating against efficient planning. For instance education, employment should be provide for the rural people so that it can help in decreasing the sex and age of the rural areas because lack of unemployment can cause increase in population.


1. How relevance is population census to economic development of rural areas?

2. What caliber of people are needed in population census?

3. Do the personnel undergoes training exercise?

4. Of what relevance is occupational distribution on agricultural zone to economic development of Orumba North L.G.?

5. Is educational background a pre-requisite for economic development of rural areas?

6. Is it advisable to use skillful professionals in population census?    


The scope of this study is the relevance of population census to economic development of rural areas in Nigeria. This work did not touch on other area except the one mentioned above. This work covers Orumba North local government only and the local government comprises of 16 rural communities. This work has demanded visiting population information and management due to lack of fund, the researcher was forced to limit for questionnaire and some research was made.
